Meet India’s power couple — the husband-wife duo from Indore who might’ve just made the world’s most efficient air conditioner

Meet India’s power couple — the husband-wife duo from Indore who might’ve just made the world’s most efficient air conditioner
Meet India’s power couple — the husband-wife duo from Indore who might’ve just made the world’s most efficient air conditioner


What’s more disruptive than a hybrid of cooler and air conditioner that comes at a tenth of an AC’s running cost? This means electricity consumption of only 250 Watts per hour, compared to an air conditioner that consumes 2,400 Watts per hour. So if you were paying Rs 5,000 per month (air conditioner), you will now pay around Rs 500. And wait, it’s environment-friendly too, as it is possibly the world’s only cooling product that uses the refrigeration cycle but does not emit heat in the environment.

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