The motivating and adaptable journey of Dr. Saifuddin M. Nagpurwala demonstrates humble approach and dedicated efforts to career growth, acquiring unique set of skills and utilizing it for his business. The journey of Dr.Saifuddin M H Nagpurwala, B. Pharma & Bachelor of Homeopathy who after 18 years of job as group product manager in India quits to start his business of Pure Medicinal Honey.
(1) Education & Professional Job Life
Dr.Saifuddin grew up in small town Bhandara, 50km from Nagpur in Maharashtra, having only 1 mumin family. He studied in Jaycees convent School and never attended any deeni madrassa to avail deeni taalim. He completed his B. Pharma from Nagpur University in 1997. Then he completed his Bachelor of Homeopathy Medical Science & Surgery from Bhopal University in 2001. His father Mohammed Bhai Bhandarawala had already retired from his work by then.
Dr Saifuddin started his career as a medical representative at Fourrts India Laboratories in June 1997 at Indore, India. Since he couldn’t afford to buy a bike for his job, he had to work on bicycle for almost 6 months covering almost 50-60 km per day. After a year he was promoted as area manager (Indore, Ujjain & Bhopal). Within next 3 years he was promoted as regional manager (MP & Chattisgarh state).
In 2002, he was given charge for R&D as a product manager (formulation of newer products & creating awareness amongst doctors about the same) and had to relocate to Chennai, Tamil Nadu. This was during Ashara 1423 in Indore, and he made araz in hazrat of Burhanuddin Moula (RA). Moula jawab ma Raza ane Dua farmavi and em kalemaat farmyaa “Research ma kam mumineen che, ehna maaj rejo”.
He researched on Allopathic medicines for 2 years and when the Homeopathy division was floated in 2004, he started research for new formulae and new medicines in that area. He was given the charge of launching a new division of Naturopathy called ‘NaturoCare’, followed by dental division and finally in 2007, he & his team launched a Uro division with KMac for kidney stone prevention & treatment. Here he got in touch with honey, exploring the curative properties of honey regarding removal of kidney stones. When he heard in waaz that mixture of honey & water cures kidney stones, his conviction in honey became very strong.
In 2011, he was elevated as senior product manager and then in 2014 as group product manager.
(2) First Interaction with Business
During Aali Qadr Moula (tus) Chennai safar, he got ziyafat sharaf and Aali Qadr Moula asked him “su karo cho”. When he told about his research background & Medical formulations, Aqa Moula (tus) asked, “potanu kem nathi karta? Koshish karjo”
After this, during Aali Qadr Moula (tus) Yemen safar , Aqa Moula (tus) graciously granted him Raza Mubarak for starting research & business of honey.
He started testing and researching various qualities of honey procured from various sources and brands in India. While on his job, he travelled a lot throughout India giving lectures and seminars. In December 2015, during Chehlum 1437 safar of Coimbatore, he submitted his research in 12 different types of honey & the authentic Nagarmotha powder which Aqa Moula (tus) has given as a remedy for memory. Aqa Moula (tus) farmayu “Naukri muki, puri tareh si shahed no vypar karo ”.
He didn’t have all financial means for business, so he did araz again through bhai saheb, to which Aali Qadr Moula (tus) farmayu “Rozi tamari Shehad ma che”. That was it! He left his job and he was leading 300 people in his company.
(3) Business Transition & Key Challenges
First he started with 50 kg of pure, unadulterated honey from a bee keeper in another state and brought it to Chennai. The next step was to take land on lease and harvested his own honey. After investing about a few lacs in Gujarat for honey harvesting, got around 300 kg output within 6 months. The next harvest was about 500 kg, but he discarded the entire lot of 500 kg because it did not meet his quality standard. Hence, he entered into new contract and hired 4 experienced elderly people to keep a check on quality.
This clicked, thus started Mufaddal Health Solutions (MHS) with the brand name ‘MHS TakeCare’ for honey.
His another product is “Nagarmothaa”. When Aqa Moula (tus) had done bayan on Nagarmotha and benefits for memory, everyone started to sending pictures of Nagarmotha which was for hair fall and for external use only. Many mumineen bought the sub-standard Nagarmotha from Ayurvedic shops.
Determined that agar Moula (tus) farmvu che to hiqmat hasej, he started his research on it. After immense efforts researching the various types of Nagarmotha, he landed in a library in Chennai, where he got the evidence about the reference to the special variety which strengthens memory. Nagarmotha has 8 varieties and only 1 particular species of it strengthens memory and is suitable for intake. He submitted his research report and Aqa Moula gave it the brand name “Hifz Care”
The 3rd Research product is a De-addiction, comprising of one highly researched Herbal mix & a Specific Honey, named – De-Addicto. Moula tus has been asking mumineen to give up the habit of moharramaat like Tobacco chewing, Cigarette & Alcohol. Hence this product was launched with Mufaddal Moula’s (tus) Raza & Doa at Ahmedabad in March 2017.
He ventured full time in December 2015 and runs the whole operation. He does production of honey, harvesting and selling of honey which is environmentally friendly product. He educates about the right usage of honey, optimum use, when to use with the right quantity and proper doze, promoting
“Prevention is better than Cure” !
Though he had a business line in hand, he faced a few challenges which he has shared :
First was the capital (CAPEX) for which he arranged with Qarzan Hasana and for the family expenses (FLEX), he kept a provision for 3 months. During 4th month, he got a surprise big order and that kept him going for another 2 months. He initially operating from home and later took up a small office.
His second challenge was marketing of his brand and products. He started with making the people taste his honey first & then decide. He created an awareness amongst the non-users of Honey by taking small group meetings & whatsapp marketing with his contacts. Additionally he prepared a video on the various benefits of honey, which became viral. He would get orders on whatsapp and receive online payment. In sometime few users showed interest in becoming dealers & that’s how now 28 dealers are operating in various cities.
His third challenge was getting license & certificate and this had a long legal process with long delays. He made araz in Aqa Moula (tus) and reply was to go after jumoa namaz with Nazrul makam and apply again. He did so and it occurred to him to take a small jar of honey and allow him to use this special honey and realize it benefits’. After a week, he gets a call from the concerned officer about its price and Dr. Saifuddin said Rs 430, to which the officer commented that it should be double the price as you have very pure honey and is of very high quality. Looking at his honest dealing and high quality he was finally granted the license.
(4) Current Business Operations
Currently after 1.5 years, Dr.Saifuddin operates from an office, runs as family business with his family & few well-wishers and 5 more hired personnel for packing and sealing. All his dealers are actually the Health Associates of their towns & guides mumineen in their Health challenges, with Honey. At present, he has four leased farms with ‘Take Care Dietary Supplement’ license and a manufacturing license of ‘MHS TakeCare Honey’.
He now harvests & extracts 23 types of different honey, he calls it “A divine Elixir of Life” and hundreds of diseases can be cured with honey, as per the research available with him. He promotes the idea, ‘Health with Honey’, because ”Health is Wealth”.
His R&D back ground is helping a lot in finding out the right honey for the specific problems. He says, ,“Qualification & Knowledge is one thing but real life application of this knowledge is very important”. His past experience, to identify the right product for the right usage is his key success attributor. His massive experience with R&D, launching products and doing awareness campaigns gives him unique advantage.
(5) Business Satisfaction & Future Plans
Now at the age of 41, he feels very satisfied as lots of people are getting healed with his honey, his patients are avoiding unnecessary Allopathic medicines for simple common acute problems like cough, cold, Pain, etc,. He is happy to Heal the Society with Nature’s best tonic- Honey. Till date around 155 mumineen have used “De-Addicto” & have quit Tobacco/Smoking/Alcohol.
Also his hectic flight travels have now reduced & he can work at his own time. The job pressure and tension is not there and he is able to be there for the family anytime. Also able to attend almost all big miqaats of AqaMoula (tus). He is a Zakereen & in BGI khidmat holding Lauksemo Hifz Sanad.
In future, he wants to make TakeCare range of Honey, Hifz Care & De-Addicto as global brands and make it available in every city of India & in international market. His goal is that every mumin should enjoy pure honey, including the Diabetics (because many Diabetics have not been taking honey with a fear of shooting up the Blood Sugar levels). He wish to create more awareness about Honey & its healing powers in various walks of Life.
Dr Saifuddin Nagpurwala quotes,
“Don’t spend very long time like 18 years in jobs, after 5 years of gaining relevant experience, jump to business.”
“Where these is a Will, there is a Way and if not, Moula makes the way! So nothing is impossible!”
All readers please share your comments/feedback from this journey and any lesson learned to implement in your life.
Keep the good work going doc, all the best and may all ur wishes r fulfilled by almighty
Hello, sir…My name is Rashida from Jalgaon…plz share ur contact no
Thanks .. 9840187833 – Dr. Saifuddin
Thanks ..you can contact me on +919840187833 – Dr. Saifuddin
Hello Dr. Saifuddin
I got Arzi jawab from Muffadal Maula (tus) and suggested to consult you regarding farzand.
How may i contact you?