On 12 June 2020 with Aqa Moula’s (tus) Raza & Dua Mubarak, EAGLE’s first On-line training batch started successfully. EAGLE stands for Entrepreneurs’ Academy For Green Landscaping & Environment (A Virtual Borderless Academy to Train Entrepreneurs To Promote Green Technologies).

It is conducted by the Chief Trainer Sk. Burhanuddin Bhai Taskeen and anchored by Rashida Ben Burhanpurwala, founder of Rizers Business Club. The team was assisted by SMB Environmental Projects’ associates, Mr Huzefa Bhai Ghadiwala and Mr Murtaza Damanwala. It was attended by the founder and Editor of YourBizzjourney.com, The Business Transition and Transformation Publication who introduced the subject along with his valuable comments and complimented Sk Burhaan Bhai Taskeen to have taken this wonderful initiative to start a boundary-less on-line program, underlying a unique concept.
The whole team expressed full confidence in this drive, which will not only encourage mumineen to upgrade and diversify their present businesses into promising new lines of Eco-friendly projects, but will also help professionals who are presently in service / jobs, to take big leap forward and confidently jump in for new startups in the green technology sectors keeping always in view our Aqa Mufaddal Moula’s khushi mubarak, as Moula has been exhorting and inviting mumineen towards “Tijaarat Rabeha”, Profitable Business !
It was a warm up-introductory session, the participants introduced themselves and expressed as to what they expect from this online training. Sk Burhanuddin bhai briefly covered the course content titles using powerpoint slides and also assured the participants that over the next 3 months’ period, they will not just be given a theoretical knowledge but will also be provided practical exposure and useful techniques, to prepare themselves to confidently enter in this high potential, promising sector of renewable energy mainly comprising, Solar Electricity, Water Conservation, Sewage and Waste Treatment, Wind Electricity etc.
Sk Burhanuiddin emphasized that these sectors have assumed greater importance and attention of Govt. / Policy Makers due to on-going Covid-19 Pandemic scenario as the whole world is witnessing revolutionary changes in the lifestyles of entire populace around it. In turn, this greater focus and market forces on the Green Technology and Environment friendly projects will trigger exponential growth for a long time to come. He also underlined, the importance of mumineen switching over from trading to MSME / EPC / Manufacturing sectors by acquiring working knowledge of such sectors as the traditional merchandise types of businesses are losing sheen and very rapidly slipping into oblivion. Rashida Ben thanked the participants for showing enthusiastic response and closed the session by wishing them a great learning and networking experience.
The second batch will be starting on Friday, July 10, 2020.
The special Fees of IRS 2153/- (USD 30/-) instead of IRS 5300/- for 3 months program having 4 weekly online classes per month.
The small batch has limited seats to focus and pay attention to individual participants.
To register please fill the form Here :
Good coverage. Very effective expression of new and emerging high potential business sectors. A great career opportunity for mumineen entrepreneurs to adopt EPC / MSME enterprises and scale up for speedy growth in these difficult pandemic times