Sk Ali Asghar Nasir, CPA, having worked for 10 years in Dubai as senior auditor relocates to Australia and starts a business of Hardware items. His inspiring and replicateable business journey demonstrates sound financial control and firm adherence to our principals in dealing with challenges in jobs and in business life.
He graduated with Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting from Wollongong University from Sydney, Australia in 1997. He completed his Certified Public Accountant (CPA) examination from Delaware, USA in 1998. His father Sk. Yayha bhai Nasir is an established businessman in Dubai having hardware business and hails from Surat.
He joined Al Ahli public accounting firm as an external auditor in 1998 for 3 years. In 2000 he was interviewed in Dubai World and was selected for the position as internal auditor but there was a specific condition.
Ali Asghar bhai attended the interview in Dadi and Topi. Due to the nature of the job, he was requested to remove his darhi and topi to be selected for the job as that was a big firm with international staff . He firmly declined to accept the condition and let go the job.
After one week, he was called again by the same firm and the director said, since you stick to the principals of your religion, you are more suitable for this job and we want you only. They accepted him without any conditions with great respect.
The director of Dubai world was so impressed with Bohras that he would henceforth invite applications from Bohras and consider them for suitable posts. During Ashara Mubarakah of Dubai in 2004, the director requested a meeting with Aqa Moula Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA). He got the opportunity and after the meeting with Aqa Moula (tus), he was so mesmerized by the karamat bestowed to him that he offered invitation for ziyafat. He along with his chairman got the sharaf of Ziyafat of Aqa Moula (tus) in Palm Island of Dubai.
In 2006, while he was working as senior auditor, Sk Ali Asghar Bhai made an araz in Aqa Moula (tus) to work in Australia and to his surprise, was granted Raza Mubarak to do business in Hardware in Australia. He was wondering with thoughts “hardware business is not suitable for me”; but he had full faith that Aqa Moula (tus) knows better.
He relocated to Melbourne Australia in end of 2006 and until he fully settles down, took up the job of senior internal auditor with the Australian government for next 1 year.
Onset of 2008 his eyes feel on an ad in the newspaper about a hardware shop for sale in Melbourne; he instantly realized that this opportunity is for him and not knowing anything about hardware straight jumped into it. Thus starts “Hardware 52”.

Once he started, he felt doors kept opening one after another and he was learning about the business with amazing speed. It is assumed there that only ‘big box’ giants or big sharks in business do well, but he just being a small fish proved otherwise. He deals with items like fasteners, electrical, gardening, plumbing, paints and general hardware and caters to the needs of an area.
He did face a few challenges but he overcame them one by one. The first was the financial one which is the backbone of any business. He managed to get the required capital (CAPEX & OPEX, capital expenditure & operational expenditure) from his savings and rest from backing of his parents and family as a qarzan Hasana loan. For the benefit of mumineen, he generously agreed to disclose that he started to repay after 3 years and in next 2 years he cleared the loan and became debt free. The ratio of his own funds vs loan was 40-60. Besides he kept aside the provision of personal funds to meet 1 year of his family expenses (family/house hold expenditure).
Second was, he had no business knowledge, but he picked up reading from sources like internet, hardware journals, interacting with supplier and customers. As he was a graduate in commerce that knowledge also helped him. Third challenge being man power, for which he managed with the efforts of his wife and on weekend his children also helped. For first 3 years they ran a family business. After that he hired a local staff and one more mumin ben.
The forth was doing business in western country in dadi, topi and rida. He was told that you will look orthodox, and won’t do well and will look different. As per teachings of Aqa Moula (tus) to mix with other communities, foster and develop healthy relationship along with fair business practices, he began to adherence to it. He would join them for conferences, mingle with them in suitable social events and not remain aloof and isolated. This brought respect and reputation that you all are really different as what is seen on TV and media. This living in harmony and socializing brought distinct recognition of himself and his business and hence the obstacle was converted into acceptance. Though, all this was outcome of constant efforts, determination and patience.
He says that his education helped in stabilizing the business. His grip on calculations helps in precise costing and this helps in giving competitive pricing. Being an auditor, he does the tax filing and save here. Also his skills in analysis helps to monitor fast-slow moving items and maintain the required number of line items of stock. He says that anything you learn in professional life helps! He deals in cash only for both sales & purchases; this has insulated him from “over trading”.
He says he is more satisfied as barakat is many folds. He has more freedom, no one to report to, more independence. This has given him the leverage to attend all our functions on time, take up khidmat and attend all miqaats with Aqa Moula (tus). He concludes that there is no comparison in financial terms on job salary vs where he stands now.
He realizes that “with more efforts you reap more benefits directly”. Because of this, his “Tawakkul in Khuda” has increased many folds. He admits that Aqa Moula (tus) always knew he is a CA (chartered accountant) and granted Raza for hardware, knowing what is best for him.
Now after 8 years dealing in retail, he wants to expand into bigger scale, do direct imports and do wholesale as his initial learning stage is over and knowledge gained. He is geared to take more risks.
Sk Ali Asger bhai quotes :
“Agar Aqa Moula (tus) Raza farmave, then just jump into it”
“Professional life is risk free and with longer years in jobs, it kills your risk taking capacity”
All readers please share your comments/feedback on this journey and any potential business lessons learned.
Encouraging post, I sugesst some of such successful entrepreneurs should share some start up tips or help others who are interested to follow same business line.
Very interesting article to know that age is not bar to do what you want to achieve in life. Well Done. Hard work always pays and you have proved it. Wish you in your future expansion all the very best.
Very encouraging post for all the mumeneens both currently staying and australia and thinking to migrate here
I personally know Shk Ali Asgar bh and not only he is a good businessman, but also a gem of a person. I wish him all the world success in the khidmat and saya of Moulana (TUS)