M. Taher Raj, CA from Symbiosis College Of Arts & Commerce, Pune, with a professional career of 13 years and another 2 years in business, has a very inspiring and adoptable journey from a professional career as a CFO to his father’s family business.
He studied in Pune, India and completed his Bachelors of Commerce in 1998 from Symbiosis College Of Arts & Commerce, Pune. He enrolled for CA during college and cleared his CA in 2000, within one year & half year after his graduation.
He came to Kuwait and joined Alghanim Industries as financial analyst in 2000, then as Chief Accountant in 2004 at Bader Sultan & Brothers Co. In 2007 he joined Bahrah Trading Co as Executive Manager Finance and then finally in 2012 joined Crystal House as Group finance manager (CFO).
He always had a goal and desire in mind that one day he will run his own business. But as he was climbing the ladder in the professional field it, it was becoming difficult to come out of the job. The high salary, various allowances like car, house rent, family air fare and bonus were too compelling to abandon.
In the year 2012, he got the sharaf of Ziyafat of Aqa Moula Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA) in Saifee Mahal, Mumbai and once he was back to Kuwait he was a changed man, with a too keen desire to move to business.
After 13 years of professional life, he finally moved to business. Once he moved to his family business, the first challenge was that he had to get his hands dirty and had to do all the tasks by himself. He was used to always having subordinates which would all the work for him. But this allowed him to learn all the aspects of the business. His business line consists of cosmetics, watches and gift items doing both wholesale and retails.
He is in charge of purchasing and administration of the business for last 2 years. His accounting and analytical skills have helped him to bring efficiency in the business. He manages as what items to order, fast & slow moving items, inventory turn over ratios and clearing dead stock. This helps in liquidating physical stock and better utilization of storage space in shops and in the warehouse.
He manages all the purchasing, administration and all the related requirements of the 3 outlets in Kuwait.
Getting into family business has helped him gain more control over his life and freedom of independence. But it has come with a price and lots of challenges. He also feels very proud of handling and running the business ‘Gadee’ setup by his father along with his brother.
Taher plans to open more outlet branches in Kuwait. He wants to focus on branding, proper planning and use of technology. He also plans to bring varied products to establish his unique position and avoid undue competition.
Taher’s advice to other professionals :
“Besides being business minded be business oriented. Work for 4-6 years or max 10 year. Complete your investment commitments and plan for the required capital to do business. Make the bold move and jump to business and with Dua of Aqa Moula (tus) you will come out victorious.”
For investment he quotes :
“As a professional never invest in any other business unless you are actively involved into it. Make your investment choices very carefully.”
Am impressed